
Friday, March 27, 2020


Kia Ora bloggers,
Welcome back to my blog!
Thees are my Haiku's that I made. Haiku's are a Japanese form of poetry that only includes three lines of very short sentences. I water colored images that described the poems I write. The task was to do a haiku each day of the week but there were only three days left this week.

I hope you like them!

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Heart out of rocks

Welcome back to my blog,
as you can see I have collected some rocks From our garden and made them into the shape of a heart. This project was for a school assignment. I made it by gluing them onto a piece of paper and then I added little jewels on each rock to make it look pretty.

Pacman movie

Kia Ora bloggers,
This is my Pacman movie clip that I made on Stop Motion. The objects that I made are out of play dough. I made it by taking a photo and then moving my objects to where I want them to go then taking another photo.

Making clips on stop motion is fun you should try it sometime. If you have feedback or feed ford for me then you can comment down below.

See you next time!

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Neighborhood walk map

Kia Ora bloggers,
This is my Neighborhood walk map. Me and my family go on walks around our neighborhood a lot so the teachers told us that we could map out the route that we take and draw it as won of our school tasks. It was difficult to do but a really fun process. You should try mapping out a route or circuit some time soon.

See you next time!

Judy Blume book review

Kia Ora
This is my book review the first book in one of Judy Blume's series. The book is called, "tales of a fourth grade nothing". It is an excellent book so if you see it on a book shelf or at a library, then you should read it.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Anzac day

Kia Ora,
This is a poster that I made for Anzac day. Below there is also a poppy that only needs two things to make it, one safety pin and a piece of paper.
See you next time!

Bethany Hamilton

Hey bloggers,
This is my Presentation about who Inspires me most.
I choose Bethany Hamilton because she bounced back from a surveyor shark attack and is now and even stronger surfer and person.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Statistical Investigation

Hi bloggers,
In math we have been working on statistical investigations and finding out who likes what. The question that I chose is do you prefer cats or dogs. I used a bar graph to find out who likes what with the data I got back from a form. I found out that dogs are more popular then cats.

Do you prefer dogs or cats?
Comment your answer below:)

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Binary Code


Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Sestina writing

Person with you
Wonderful imagined that didn’t actually happen
Reason for your story
Own six word sentence

Monday, March 2, 2020

My Family Tree

This is my family tree that represents where I come from and who my ancestors and other family are. the flags above the names on my tree show where they come from. the people that are in the love heart are not my biological family but are still apart of my family.