
Wednesday, November 4, 2020

How to play Ki o rahi

 Welcome back bloggers,

Its nice to see you again!!!

This blog post is about how to play the game Ki o rahi. In my blog post will be the rules and tell you some strategy about how to play the game. Maybe you could catch up with some friends some time and play the game Ki o rahi!

See you next time and you can see what other work I have posted on my blog!


Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Ki o rahi aniamtion

 Kia Ora bloggers,

Its great to see that you're back on my blog,

this post is about the game Ki o rahi. Down below I have made an animation on the positions the game. There is also a layout of what the field looks like. the faces on the field is telling you home many people can be in each area of the field and when.

See you next time!!!


 Kia Ora bloggers,

Welcome back!

if you want to know a little bit about the Haka then you should read on tghe slide below. But first i'm going to tell you a little bit first. The Haka is was a group of people perform in a triangular formation. they do the haka to welcome people and show respect.

See you next time!!!

Kakahu or Korowai

 Hey bloggers,

Welcome back to my blog, it is good to see you again!!!

This blog post is about the Maori Kakahu or Korowai. The Korowai is a Maori cloak. It is normally made out of animal fur, bird feathers and sometimes parts of flax.

See you next time!!!

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Ta Moko

 Hi bloggers,

This is what I have done this week 

do you know what a ta moko is?

a Ta Moko is a traditional Maori tattoo. people get ta mokos because it is showing respect to their alders/ancestors and the Maori tattoos are a part of their heritage.

to find out more information about ta mokos read on the slide below.

see you next time bloggers. '-'


 Hey bloggers, 

Welcome back to my blog

This week at school we are looking at New Zealand and all of our amazing traditions. one of our very famous traditions is a Hangi. Hangi's are part of our culture and our heritage.

Here I have made a poster about the changes that hangi's have made. One of the very obvious ones are (above ground and underground.)

Friday, October 16, 2020

Hi bloggers.
This week is the first week back after the school holidays. we have started athletics and the things that we are doing are high jump, shot put, discuss, long jump and sprints.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

 Hey bloggers,

We have been learning about 24 hour time in math and how to convert Am/Pm.

Our task was to make a movie timetable and write the time the movie starts and how many minutes the movie takes. then you get a buddy to try figure out what the time in 24 hour time it would be when the movie is over.

Here is what my time table looks like.

Friday, September 11, 2020

Perfect Pillows! business

This is a business that Ngawai and I created.
It is about pillow cases.
We sell pillow cases with your favorite thing or animal on the front of it.
They come in multiple sizes and even different colors.

If you could get a personalized custom made pillow case what would be on the front of yours?
Bye bloggers!

Friday, August 14, 2020


Welcome back bloggers,
For math this week we are looking at drawing things on a grid and then enlarging them.

It is actually really easy if you just focus on one section of the drawing at a time.

This is what I have done so far

Friday, June 19, 2020

Friday, June 12, 2020

What I Have Done This Week

Hey bloggers,
This is what I have done this week. It is my Matariki poem and my koru art. I made my koru art using pastels to color in the inside and die for the background.I really enjoyed making this artwork. It was a good experience and fun.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Global Art that has a message behind it


Hey bloggers,
This is what I have done for a school task. The task was to find a picture of art that has a meaning behind it. This is what I did. It is about a girl who is not aloud to got to school with out her own protection of people that will make shore she is safe.

Monday, June 8, 2020


Hey bloggers,
This is me and Sienna's comic that we made together. It is about verbal irony and how Sienna really wan'ts to beat Skylah in a race but Skylah ends up winning.

Have you ever made a comic before on a type of irony, because there is so many to choose from like:

see you next time "-"

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Irony Comic Strip

Hey bloggers,
This is me and Sienna's comic strip on verbal irony. Have you made a comic strip before, because it is really fun.

See you next time!!!

Friday, May 29, 2020

Isometric Dot Drawings

Hey bloggers,
This is my isometric dot drawings.
We had to make one then enlarge it by two. it was really fun.

Have you done any drawings on isometric dot paper before?

Friday, May 22, 2020

My literacy and numeracy for this week

This is what I have been doing for numeracy. It is  drawings on Isometric dot paper. first we used five cubes then 10 then 15. it was really fun. Have you done and sketches any drawings on isometric dot paper before, and what was it.

This is what I have been doing for literacy. It is a website that I made on google sites. it is on the wizard of Oz movie.
Have you made a website before, what was it abut, did you use the same tool as me to make it.

See you next time :)

Friday, May 8, 2020

Amazing Art

Kia Ora,
This is my art work that I made on a website called color push. On this website you get a blank rectangle and they give you 90 seconds to color it how ever you choose. It is really fun, you should try it some time.
See you next time!

Friday, April 24, 2020

Anzac Day Art

Hey bloggers,
This is my art about Anzac day. It tells a story through it about a young boy who is sent to war who dies at war sadly.

Thursday, April 16, 2020


Kia ora bloggers,
for our distance learning we are reading the p.d.f of the wizard of OZ. this is one of the tasks that our teacher has set us to do. the task is to find to movies that can relate to the wizard of OZ. and ex plane why we think they are similar.

see you next time : )

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Friday, March 27, 2020


Kia Ora bloggers,
Welcome back to my blog!
Thees are my Haiku's that I made. Haiku's are a Japanese form of poetry that only includes three lines of very short sentences. I water colored images that described the poems I write. The task was to do a haiku each day of the week but there were only three days left this week.

I hope you like them!

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Heart out of rocks

Welcome back to my blog,
as you can see I have collected some rocks From our garden and made them into the shape of a heart. This project was for a school assignment. I made it by gluing them onto a piece of paper and then I added little jewels on each rock to make it look pretty.

Pacman movie

Kia Ora bloggers,
This is my Pacman movie clip that I made on Stop Motion. The objects that I made are out of play dough. I made it by taking a photo and then moving my objects to where I want them to go then taking another photo.

Making clips on stop motion is fun you should try it sometime. If you have feedback or feed ford for me then you can comment down below.

See you next time!

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Neighborhood walk map

Kia Ora bloggers,
This is my Neighborhood walk map. Me and my family go on walks around our neighborhood a lot so the teachers told us that we could map out the route that we take and draw it as won of our school tasks. It was difficult to do but a really fun process. You should try mapping out a route or circuit some time soon.

See you next time!

Judy Blume book review

Kia Ora
This is my book review the first book in one of Judy Blume's series. The book is called, "tales of a fourth grade nothing". It is an excellent book so if you see it on a book shelf or at a library, then you should read it.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Anzac day

Kia Ora,
This is a poster that I made for Anzac day. Below there is also a poppy that only needs two things to make it, one safety pin and a piece of paper.
See you next time!

Bethany Hamilton

Hey bloggers,
This is my Presentation about who Inspires me most.
I choose Bethany Hamilton because she bounced back from a surveyor shark attack and is now and even stronger surfer and person.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Statistical Investigation

Hi bloggers,
In math we have been working on statistical investigations and finding out who likes what. The question that I chose is do you prefer cats or dogs. I used a bar graph to find out who likes what with the data I got back from a form. I found out that dogs are more popular then cats.

Do you prefer dogs or cats?
Comment your answer below:)

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Binary Code


Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Sestina writing

Person with you
Wonderful imagined that didn’t actually happen
Reason for your story
Own six word sentence

Monday, March 2, 2020

My Family Tree

This is my family tree that represents where I come from and who my ancestors and other family are. the flags above the names on my tree show where they come from. the people that are in the love heart are not my biological family but are still apart of my family.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Oranga Tamariki Poster

This is  my poster about Oranga Tamariki. Oranga Tamariki is an organisation that supports young parents to look after there young children. I chose to do this organisation because we had to choose one that stood out too us and this one made a connection with me because my mum works with an organisation that does work with Oranga Tamaiki.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Proud Portrait

Kia Ora Readers,

Welcome back to my blog. We are doing portraits at the start of the year and here is a picture of mine below. They are inspired by Romero Britto and his unique style of bright stand out colors.

On the background there are things that tell you a bit about me like... My favorite basketball team, favorite food, and my culture. I hope you enjoy it because drawing yourself is harder then it looks.

See you next time!