
Friday, May 22, 2020

My literacy and numeracy for this week

This is what I have been doing for numeracy. It is  drawings on Isometric dot paper. first we used five cubes then 10 then 15. it was really fun. Have you done and sketches any drawings on isometric dot paper before, and what was it.

This is what I have been doing for literacy. It is a website that I made on google sites. it is on the wizard of Oz movie.
Have you made a website before, what was it abut, did you use the same tool as me to make it.

See you next time :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Skylah,
    I think your blog post is really good!
    Maybe next time you could write a little more about the literacy task you did and take screen shot of the website or maybe you could add the link to it so we could have a look at it!
    -Sienna :)


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